Finding Jobs in Canada as an Immigrant: A How-to Guide

The road to finding a new job, especially in a new country, is a monumental task in itself. Canada is no exception in this regard. Finding jobs in Canada as an immigrant is especially challenging nowadays due to the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic that has left the labor market in shambles. Navigating through these challenges as a newcomer requires patience, persistence and a few key skills which we will cover in detail in this blog. It should be noted that finding jobs for newcomers in Canada and for freshers is one of the biggest struggles.

With that said, it is important to be updated with the latest demands of the job market such as polishing your resume, networking, targeted searches and so on. So, without further delay, here are the fundamentals that you need to know on how to apply for jobs in Canada from overseas.

The most important facet to landing any job, Canadian or otherwise, is having a polished and updated resume. When it comes to Canada specifically, employers would much rather read about the highlights of your work experience, rather than a list of all the jobs that you have had until this point. Hence, it will greatly improve your chances if you customize your resume for the jobs you want, rather than just a general CV. Pick and list out the relevant skillsets and work experiences that you think that particular employer would be interested in when looking to hire a candidate for that role.

It would also help if you took it one step further and attached a customized and creative cover letter that expressed your interest in the job. Keep in mind, a CV or resume can only tell the employer what you have done, the cover letter is where you can truly use your voice to emphasize how those experiences would be beneficial to their company.

Step 2: Narrowing the Job Search

The thing with searching for jobs in Canada on popular, mainstream Canadian job sites is that it can prove to be a very time-consuming task. Why? Simply, due to the sheer quantity of jobs. It can be hard to find the right job for you in that avalanche of other jobs. 

You may think that it may be easier given that you would have so many potential options, but keep in mind, it’s hard to find a job that suits your skill set and one that you are equally satisfied with for the long run. To cut down on time and effort, narrow down the search to jobs that require the skills you excel in.

Dream Job

If you are still in the process of figuring out which area of work you specialize in, then you can rather come at it from a geographical angle. For example, if you work as an IT specialist, you might want to look for jobs that are located towards the city center or near the business center of the city.

Step 3: Networking is Everything

In the age of the pandemic and even after, the way we interact in the day-to-day aspects of business has largely become a digital endeavor. With that, social platforms like Facebook and LinkedIn have become a breeding ground for networking for professional purposes! It’s very easy to start networking on LinkedIn especially. Get in touch with Canadians in your field of work and start chatting them up.

Invite them to one-on-one sessions and just talk shop. This in itself can help you establish a good rapport with them and build your professional network. Pursuing this path not only helps you better your chances at landing that dream job, but also helps you understand the lay of the land in the Canadian job market.

Professional Endorsement

Step 4: Get Professional Endorsements

In case you are a fresher, this may not exactly apply to you. However, if you have worked in the industry for any particular amount of time, then you should ask your ex-employers for a letter of recommendation. This boosts the confidence of new employers when they consider your application.

Recruiters will obviously weed out the applicants and look for the cream of the crop. A letter of recommendation or an endorsement on LinkedIn even goes a long way in getting you that job interview. While it may not be a shot at a guaranteed job, it is afoot in the door and that is as good a start as any.

Step 5: Prepare for the Interview

Whether you have an interview coming up or not, it is always good to be up to date on your interview prep. For example, you might want to read up on the latest trends in your given industry to see what new workplace procedures are being put into place. You never know, these could pop up during the interview.

Another thing that you need to watch out for is the dress code. The modern professional look is always a safe bet. Whether you are attending the interview in person or via a zoom call, make sure you look sharp. If it is virtual, do a tech-check and make sure that everything is working. Also check the framing of your camera to ensure that you have the right lighting, position, and so on. These small details add up and present a completed package of your professional self to the interviewer.

“If Opportunity doesn’t knock, build a door – Milton Berle

Step 6: Make Sure Your Documents are Accredited

As with moving to any new country, as a person looking for new jobs in Canada as an immigrant you will have to get your past certificates such as educational certificates, work documents, and so on, certified as per the guidelines of the country you are looking to enter. One reliable way to accomplish this task is to approach the Canadian embassy and ask a representative there how you can go about the process. You could also visit the official government website to get this done. Keep in mind, if your documents are in a language other than French or English, you will have to get them translated before getting them accredited and submitted.

As a leading Canadian recruiting agency, we here at Pure Staffing Solutions know the challenges that lay ahead of job seekers. We believe that if you follow the above-mentioned steps, you will have a relatively easier time than those who don’t, and this could give you an edge in the hunt for your new job in Canada. However, there are no guarantees that this way will work for you, especially in the post-Covid era. Keep trying and stay persistent and you are bound to see some gains.

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