Heavy Machinery Maintenance Tips: A Millwright’s Guide to Success

When it comes to the commercial industries, be it manufacturing units, mining projects, or what have you, none of them wants to experience downtime. They say time is money, and unplanned downtime comes at a huge financial cost to these companies. This can lead to a ripple effect of several bad outcomes such as loss of faith by clients, loss of money, or even loss of your competitive edge. Therefore it is always important to have a heavy machinery maintenance program in place!

When it comes to heavy machinery maintenance, it can be an expensive affair, to say the least. Anything from just a few replacement parts can put a dent in the budget, as these are specialized components. However, in the long run, this maintenance will save you a fortune. In this article, we will explore how as a millwright or as a business you can employ certain measures to extend the life and performance of your heavy machinery.

No matter how powerful and advanced your heavy-duty machines are, they require some level of basic maintenance to run smoothly. Implementing a regular and proactive approach to maintaining it, is the key to sustained operations. This will reduce your downtime and help minimize unexpected malfunctions down the line. As the saying goes: “Prevention is the best cure.”

Heavy Machinery Maintenance Tip #2: Have Preventive Measures in Place

Picking up on the previous tip, you need to ensure that there is a preventive maintenance program in place. This program should be able to keep a regular schedule as well as anticipate wear and tear over time. Taking continuous action before it is needed will ensure that your machines are performing smoothly without any unexpected breakdowns. This drives up reliability. 

As a part of this step, you need to incorporate regular inspections and parts replacement. Everything has a shelf-life, even mechanical parts. 

Heavy Machinery Maintenance

Check that and replace accordingly. Don’t wait till the last minute. The bonus of having preventive heavy machinery maintenance in place will also get you higher resale value when you want to upgrade.

Heavy Machinery Maintenance Tip #3: Avoid Exceeding the Performance Specs

All machines and their parts come with performance and use-specifications. Factors such as maximum load capacity, range of operations, pressure, temperature, and other limits should be taken into consideration. Check the operator’s manual regularly, use it as a checklist and ensure that the machine is well within its limits. This will help drive down wear and tear and give it a longer life.

Additionally, it can also prevent workplace injuries and accidents. We know all too well how dearly workplace injuries can do to your business, financially or reputation-wise. Do you know those user manuals that come with your new television that none of us bothers to read? Well, there is a reason they include those. Those manuals have everything you need to keep things running smoothly.

“Preventive Maintenance: Don’t start today by doing yesterday’s work. – Deniece Schofield, Author

Heavy Machinery Maintenance

Heavy Machinery Maintenance Tip #4: Get a Millwright on Your Team

This is where having the expertise of Millwrights in Canada comes in. Without a deep and detailed understanding of the industrial machine and all its parts, you can’t do any proper maintenance. The same goes for devising robust maintenance programs. Millwrights who have undergone training, and have some experience under their belt make all the difference when it comes to understanding machines. 

This is one of the main reasons that their talents are so coveted for heavy machinery maintenance.

Heavy Machinery Maintenance Tip #5: Train Your Employees

This may seem obvious, but it needs to be said. Untrained workers in a place that depends on heavy-duty industrial machines can prove to be a disaster. The work productivity aside, the sheer safety risk that it brings to the table should be a concern enough for any business. So, train your employees and invest in it. Additionally, you should also hire experts in heavy machinery maintenance, such as Millwrights.

At Pure Staffing Solutions, we recruit and place some of the best Millwrights in Canada for our clients. We take pride in equipping businesses with competent contractors who always get the job done.

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